Company Profile
CDB Engineering
CDB Engineering is a dynamic, independent and consolidated Italian company, capable of the design, manufacture and supply of a wide range of products for the energy industry.
CDB Engineering was founded in 2000 and covers a total surface of 25,000 sq.m. in the Milan southern industrial area.
CDB can cover all phases of engineering: process and mechanical design, manufacturing, testing, painting and packing. All activities are carried out in-house. Full commitment in achieving and maintaining high quality standards in the management of these processes, enabled CDB Engineering to obtain the most important international certifications, including ASME “U“ Stamp, PED, ATEX, API6D, API6FA and TR/CU, as well as accreditation from the main international EPC Contractors and End Users.
CDB Engineering can provide a wide range of products, divided as follows:
- Steam Line;
- Plug Valves;
- Strainers and Sight Glasses;
- Process filters

Steam is a very efficient and easily controlled heat transfer medium. It is most often used for transporting energy from a central location to any number of locations in the plant, where it is used to heat air, water or process applications. It is important to get steam to its various users around the plant as efficiently as possible. Efficiency translates into getting steam to the users with minimal loss in latent energy at a reasonable cost.
A Steam Trap is simply an automatic valve that opens for condensate, air and CO2 and closes for steam. Without steam traps the condensate would form in distribution piping, creating problems.In identifying steam traps we can break them down into three main groups: Thermodynamic, Thermostatic, Mechanical.
In order to manage steam properly, amongst very few others in the world, CDB also supplies forged Piston Manifolds equipped with trap stations and condensate lift pumps to return the condensate back to the boiler for reuse.

Plug Valves are possibly the oldest type of valves used for pipeline applications and their first use dates back to Roman times. Some of the main industries for plug valves are Oil & Gas, Chemical & Petrochemical, Water & Waste Water, Pull & Paper. Plug valves cover a wide range of applications, such as Gas and Oil pipelines, Compressor Stations, Drain Vent, Blow Down, Manifold Isolation and Severe Service.
Usually, Plug Valves are quarter turn valves for on/off or shut off services but in special cases they are also used for modulating and throttling services. They can be manually operated or actuated, usually through electric, pneumatic or gas over oil actuators. Their simple design, together with the use of limited components, guarantees a compact design with Zero Leakage performances also making the Plug Valve a very reliable product with a long operating lifespan and an easy maintenance.
The main categories of plug valves are:
Lubricated Plug Valves, Non-Lubricated Plug Valves, Double Block & Bleed, Expanding Plug Valves

Suitable to protect pumps, turbines flow meters, valves, heat exchangers, condenser, boilers and other process system components, CDB Strainers are engineered to withstand the most aggressive industrial gas, liquid and steam applications. CDB full range of Strainers are designed to find the most suitable solutions for efficient drainage of industrial processes. Thanks to a consolidated experience in Oil & Gas supplies to major EPC Companies, CDB can manufacture customized solutions in full compliance with the most restrictive project specifications.

CDB capabilities ensure the full design, engineering, fabrication, assembly and test for a complete range of Filtration Units. Removal of solid and liquid particles, dirt and dust, contaminants and other foreign substances is the scope of the Process Filters designed and fabricated by CDB Engineering.

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Grazie agli ottimi risultati raggiunti, abbiamo deciso di organizzare i primi eventi Expo Valve. Ai nostri eventi potranno partecipare esclusivamente i nostri clienti. Saranno ospiti e relatori alcuni tra i leader del settore, giornalisti e personaggi pubblici. Abbiamo in programma la discussione di temi attuali e d’interesse per tutti i nostri partner. Attraverso queste occasione di incontro, sarà inoltre possibile creare nuovi contatti e potenziali collaborazioni tra espositori Expo Valve.