Pressure Fittings: the long road to recognition

by Stefano Croci
For too many years considered almost second-rate by Legislation and designers, the large family of the so-called Pressure Fittings actually deserves the same attention and the precautions normally reserved for valves: an approach that has always distinguished the Téchne production philosophy, ahead of its time in recognizing the importance of these details. But let’s go in order.
The importance of pressure fittings
First of all, what are pressure fittings? Accessories for greasing, bleeding and safety pressure release. This name identifies all those components that are usually assembled to valves and systems to allow the appropriate maintenance and safe operation throughout their life cycle. This definition would be enough to understand how much important it is to pay attention to the quality, characteristics, tightness and functionality of these products, that Téchne designs and implements with exactly the same approach dedicated to the valves from the point of view of working pressure, chemical compatibility and general use.
“Pressure Fittings are fundamental products both for the correct maintenance and for the safety of the valves: this is why they must be designed with the same attention used for valves. An approach in which Téchne has always believed”
Since first design approach, we have always decided to give to these components the same dignity and critical importance given to valves for their strategic role. At first, they allow correct maintenance, for example by allowing to properly lubricate moving parts and thus prolonging their life cycle and keeping them in perfect operating conditions. Moreover -and this aspect is even more important- they are fundamental elements for the safety of the valves themselves and for all the people involved in their maintenance; their correct sizing is therefore necessary to avoid potentially dangerous accidents both for the structures and users.
A choice so far from the Téchne production philosophy, which has always followed the opposite path, convinced, as evidenced, that the Pressure Fittings were products unfairly undervalued by the regulations: a conviction that today also the market is reaching, even more aware of the opportunity, on the one hand, to extend the life of plant components and, on the other, to offer increasingly safe working conditions from all points of view.
Here is that the choice to follow a path, that seemed to run counter, in a few years has actually proved successful: nowadays Téchne, thanks to the great experience gained in the design and construction of these components, is one of the leading experts in its field and can be placed as a reliable and specialized contact also for consulting to major companies.
Not only (that): this awareness-raising process has made Téchne one of the actors involved in the process of determining the future guidelines for the design of Pressure Fittings. A regulation that, we hope, will soon come into force increasing the quality and safety of products for the Oil&Gas.
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